you can make more pictures in Pisa then just: "Hunny - could you please lean a bit forward, so that it looks like you are going to hod the tilted tower"...... ;-)
Truly an island of colors
First part of our last vacation was a stop to do river diving at the Lago Maggiore in the river Verszaca
Frankfurt hat ein neues Shopping-Zentrum mit einer genialen Dachterasse - hier hat man einen tollen Blick auf die Skyline. Nichts eingekauft aber jede Menge Bilder gemacht.
Got my "The Pod green" and had to test it immediately - not that this pod only allows frog perspective pics but for the test I was focusing on this POV :-)
visiting my old campus and found nearly everything as I left it 25 years ago.
Two hours at this famous station and first time I tested my new Nikon D7100 Equipment. The dynamic range of this camera is fascinating (only two shots are HDR). Have to come back at night time.
Pixel Art mit Big Blocks
One of the biggest bunkers of the Ligne Maginot and the biggest still existing one.
Beelitz - inzwischen sehr ausgeräumt und immer noch speziell
Die Giganten von Ferropolis
Photographisch sehr vielseitig
kurz zum Eingewöhnen ins neue Jahr in Karlsruhe gewesen.